Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bolt – Thunderous Animation!

Ever an animation movie made you feel that you are watching a slam bang action movie? That is what you get in this Walt Disney production. The opening scenes, the highway chase, will take you through what you saw in The Matrix. Solid stuff we’ve got here people. The story is about a dog, Bolt (voice-John Travolta), who believes that he has supernatural powers, like head-butting a fast moving car for example. But it’s all doctored, as he is the hero in a popular TV series, named Bolt.

He has to save his owner, Penny (Voice- Miley Cyrus), every time she gets into trouble or kidnapped by the Green Eyed man. So as this routine unfolds, one day Bolt gets accidentally separated from the studio in cargo while enacting one scene and gets shipped to New York. Now he gets to see the real outer world and gets to meet a cat, Mittens (cute!!), whom he thinks knows where the Green-Eyed man is, as he too has a similar cat. So he asks her to take him to the Green-Eyed man, but she doesn’t know what to do. He threatens to kill her as she loves his owner too much. So she agrees to take him to Hollywood.

Thus, they embark on the journey to Hollywood to find her. It is beautifully told. The realization that he is not a super hero, the bonding they make on the journey along with Rhino (the animal is smaller than its name), who believes Bolt, is really a super hero. Sometimes you will laugh; some times you will have wet eyes as his disbelief of his abilities being non existent fuels a lot of different emotional changes, in him, and equally in us, and eventually comes to a reality of who he really is. This all culminates when he finds his owner and reunites with her in the action packed climax of the movie. The graphic design is awesome and well thought out, making Bolt as one of the best animation movies in recent times. New generation 3-D stuff is great. You really get into the movie after first ten minutes and the reason is the extraordinary special effects. No wonder Bolt was nominated for the Oscars.

Bolt won’t be released in India, unless the distributors know how to make profit. (LOL)

Get the DVD folks. Not a movie to miss. This is a movie for all ages.


1 comment:

  1. quite thundering :P:D
    i did hear bout the climax(heard it was too good)...lemme watch it :)
