Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Interpreter – Keeps you guessing till the end!!

By Arunan & Gowtham

Well here i am after a break reviewing a movie with a friend of mine, Gowtham. This is about The Interpreter, that was released in 2005, a vastly underrated movie. We actually saw this movie recently, and the storyline was so down to earth yet explosive, demanded us to review it. We decided to review this movie and we never had an idea where to begin with!! This is Sidney Pollack’s masterpiece- according to us.

This movie is all about an UN Interpreter (Nicole Kidman) overhearing a Motoban (An African country) conversation taking place in the UN assembly, which deals with a ploy to kill the Motoban President Zuwanie. She passes on the information to the UN Security Council members, who passes the investigation to Secret Service and that is exactly where Sean Penn comes into the picture of events. Can the Interpreter be relied upon what she says?? What is her background?? What about her history?? How is she involved in this?? Is she really involved in this?? If she isn’t then who is running the ht on the President?? Nobody has ever dared to enter into the UN with ammo except the security personnel; does that mean that it involves someone from the security providers itself?? Why is Nicole Kidman maintaining a Low Profile?? What is she actually hiding or rather trying to hide from Sean Penn?? Who would want the president to be killed even after the death of the president’s two most important rivals?? These are a just few questions which will rise in your minds when you watch the movie carefully!! And every 5 minutes one question is answered and the other is asked!! The screenplay is taut and keeps you Interpreting the entire Mystery till the end!! A special mention about the dialogues has to be made. The director has made use of the dialogues only when the situation demands it. And even when used they convey a lot of meaning than the screen space which the dialogues occupy!! The dialogues serve two purposes: they help in moving the scenes cohesively & teach us what Living life is all about when most of us simply EXIST rather than LIVING!! The climax is surprising and is one of the best.

The BGM is appropriate. The man behind the music department, James Newton Howard (read the sixth sense, blood diamond) has put in excellent efforts. It’s slow, gripping and most of all absorbing. Silence is often the best tune which we never listen to!!
It’s exactly a 118 minutes Drama/Thriller which is a must watch for every movie fan. This movie happens to be the first to be filmed in the UN assembly!!

Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman along with the director should have at least got an OSCAR nomination for their roles but then some where the Motion Picture Committee over looked them. Well who is perfect on earth (our take on the OSCARS)!!
This is a highly under rated movie in the IMDB website, but then please do not always rely on IMDB alone. We liked it, and are sure that you also will!!

This movie has to be watched, experienced and feels satisfied at the end of the day, rather being content with just knowing the story.

Scores are Nicole Kidman- 1, Sean Penn- 1, Sidney Pollack- 1, entire Unit work- 1, Bonus- 0.5 (cos we were so IMPRESSED) & a Negative 0.25 for keeping Nicole Kidman undercover for nearly 110 minutes in the movie..
The Interpreter - 4.25/5


  1. salud salud!!!

    so wat's the end??
    am really IMPRESSED!!
    keep it goin....

  2. neat! will check out the movie! :)
