Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Green Mile – Worth the 3 hrs Spent travelling along this mile!!

Have you ever seen a movie which runs for as long as three hours?? And if at all you’ve seen one, did you feel that some scenes could’ve been cut down?? Well, with this movie one will never feel so!! We haven’t seen a movie so fascinating with just ten characters in it!!
The movie actually takes place during the period of recession/ regression in the U.S. Those who are being sentenced to death are sent to the Green Mile. The ‘E’ block is where they are kept and it is run by Tom Hanks and his colleagues. The floors of the Mile are fluorescent green in colour, and the moment you notice it you realize that you are in for a master piece!! The story is quite simple and yet complicated to explain. (We do know that this is a clichéd sentence but couldn’t restrain ourselves from using it, simply because the movie is really so!!)
The inmates of the Mile are a faith Healer, a psychotic child molester and two other people who are about to be hanged!! The other two guys to be hanged are portrayed well and the director creates sympathy in the viewers mind for them!! The entire movie is about the huge faith healer and the reason why he’s in jail. His story is well connected and well enacted out. Macdonald’s role is a surprise as the story moves on. One of Tom’s juniors' is an arrogant miscreant who learns his lesson. Tom’s boss and his family also come in and go. The most joyous and enthralling character in this movie is a sneaky little RAT!! All the others express themselves by speaking and acting, whereas this one just says nothing but plays a role of his life. The faith healer- well your heart will feel heavy for him, at the end!! The rat and Tom go on to become best buddies!! They kinda live forever.

After reading this you might even think that what’s there in this movie to be shot for 3 hours?? But then please do watch it for yourself and find the answer. Never ever has a movie, so lengthy, travels at such a pace. You will never feel that it really took 3 hours for watching this. Can’t call it a master piece, simply because this is not about art or an aspect of direction. This movie in plain words is all about life and the bad things in it happening for the good ones on earth. This movie is all about what you actually believe in and what you actually want to believe in!! Appearances do mislead us!! What we tend to presume is not what actually happens!!
This is based on Stephen King’s book. His other books that have been made as motion pictures are the Shawshank Redemption and The Shining.
We haven’t said anything about the artists at all, because it is the characters which you can remember after watching this epic tale of life and death!! Sit back and watch yourself the two extremities of living beings on earth- Life & Death!!
And please don’t think that this movie or we are preaching about life. Neither of us are!!
In a line, Green Mile is a piece of on screen Literature work well crafted and well served!!
Scores are- 4/5
Story and screenplay-1. Cinematography & art-1. Characters-1. Direction-1.


  1. "The story is quite simple and yet complicated to explain." lik completely obsessed with this movie after watching it and the fact is that this is one of the very few movies' which is really hard to explain and can only be felt..glad that u wrote about this..a good one :)
