Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Negotiator- Terms Well Served

By Gowtham and Arunan

Hey there!! Glad to be back!!!It’s been a while since we wrote a review. Well, exams and other boring stuff gobbled up sometime. It is not that we dint watch any movie (we can never stop doing it), we just couldn’t muster up enough time to write some. Sorry for keeping you all in the dark so far. And so now, Lights on!!

We saw this movie without any expectation. You know..the lazy weekend afternoon movie..But just for the fact that Kevin Spacey was involved in the movie we showed some interest for watching it. The screenplay, dialogues, Direction and the way the characters performed in this movie left us dumbstruck!! We were like “How did we miss this movie for so long!!”

Well the movie starts off with a bang!! Samuel.L.jackson is portrayed as the protagonist and he deals a hostage situation in his own ways of doing things. The next 5 mins we are just given a sneak preview of his family and friends. And then people hold your breath because this is an excellent roller coaster ride on which you are on board!! The movie moves at a frenetic pace!! Sam’s friend is murdered in front of his own eyes. And the reason is because Sam’s friend knows certain details regarding a conspiracy. And then as usual it is as usual the protagonist who gets caught and is produced in the court. And now Sam himself takes an office bearer along with his assistants as hostage!! And then some scenes of wit and excitement ensue. In comes Kevin Spacey and the movie takes a turn. Kevin is handled the task of negotiating with Sam and bringing back the hostages. Now, how does the latter convince the former?? How does the former convince the latter that he is really not the one to be punished?? Who killed Sam’s best buddy? Who are the one’s involved in the conspiracy? How does Sam expose the conspiracy? These are some of the questions which will be answered in style as the movie unfolds itself.

The dialogues are etched out neatly and sweetly. Sam-Kevin duel is one of the best ones to be seen!! Every time one scores over the other. Who wins at the end- is the real surprise!! Thrillers like this have to be crisply edited. And that is achieved perfectly in this movie. You can never complain of a single moment when the screen story lags. Credit goes to the editor. The screenplay is original and authentic. Casting is perfect. Bringing out thoughts on the screen is very difficult and the director somehow nails it with ease and grace!! It is not that everything is so good in this movie; it’s just that things are definitely not at all bad in this one!!

On the flip side, as Danny Roman, the ease with which Jackson moves through and gets the people hostage is far fetched. The typical clichéd climax with the culprit being outwitted is a let down to an engrossing thriller like this one. Still the excellent duos, Jackson and Spacey steal the show in this work.

Sometimes movies made in Hollywood are so silent with the promotion but then they are the ones that leave the audience awestruck. This is one such movie according to us. We, for sure, liked it.

Rating : 3.75/5!!

Casting-1. On screen performance-1. Dialogues-1. Technical aspects- 0.75.

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