Monday, July 19, 2010

Inception - Surreal Awesomeness

On my way home after the watching Inception, I was wondering "If I am going to write a review of this movie, how would i start, structure and end it?" Such was the script, story and the context. Not once did I want to take my eyes off the screen or start to imagine how hot Marion Cortillard (Mal) is for I knew deep down that if ever Christopher Nolan (Memento, The Prestige, The Dark Knight) is going to Write, Direct and Produce a movie, he wouldn't let the audience want to take their mind off from the screen. Inception, grips you from start to finish. It is not a run of the mill futuristic flick, with slam-bang action, bazookas vomiting bullets and the tallest skyscrapers you can ever imagine.

Inception is surreality surrounded by awesomeness.

The mind is the scene of the crime. The dream is real. An idea can change the whole context of your life. These three lines get repeated throughout the movie and not once do you feel, they are repeated. Nolan proves once again why he is THE BEST. Toying with timeline throughout the movie, Nolan weaves the dream around us through perfectly casted characters in Di Caprio (Cobb), Ellen Page (Adrianne) and Lewitt (Arthur).

The script, cannot be termed as fantasy. It really is what we experience in everyday life. Nolan has tweaked a so familiar concept into something monumental. The concept is dream.
Nolan plays with our ability to catch what he wants to tell. Through Cobb, Nolan tells us how easy it is to invade into other people's dreams to steal their idea, or much better, to plant one!! Trapped in the Corporate Wars, Di Caprio as Cobb, plays the perfect Con who can pull off any heist if he has access to a human dream. Di Cap has played the most difficult role of the movie with such determination, that you can feel him taking you through this uniquely scripted masterpiece.

Music by Hans Zimmer (Sherlock Holmes, Pirates of the Caribbean) strikes the right chord. Moving with the pace of the story, Mr.Zim orchestrates majestic and mystifying tunes that add to the surrealism!! His usual fast violin and strings play with your ears and makes you focus more into the movie

The cinematography and the CGI makes your jaw drop, especially in the scenes where a full speed train crashes into road, Scene where Adrianne takes Cobb through pedestrians of Paris and the scenes in climax where they are in the sleep and third level of their dream. These can only happen in a Chris Nolan movie. It is indeed time to call this UK born director, the greatest ever. Only Nolan can think and create something like this. Something that can make you feel your dream is REAL!! Finally, in the land of movies, Inception will be a religion.

No wonder it is rated 9.1/10 in IMDB.


  1. i duno ab the u have penned t down very well :) awesome work dude!!!! if i ever watch dis movie...den the full credit goes 2 u!!


  2. //It is indeed time to call this UK born director, the greatest ever...//

    Very true... MUSIC, Visual and the Dream world, everything is awesome... :), NOLAN the BEST :) INCETPTION - definitely an outstanding movie :)

  3. not watched the movie yet but u sure hit the nail with your words, mate. brilliant description of the movie and its nuances. :)
